When all certainties fell apart and dreams/goals kept pivoting, we were held together by these fragments of ideas. We let stillness guide us into ourselves and toward each other, using each garment as an opportunity for learning. Our home was our playground and we made it into a world; awkward but growing and embracing of our queerness.

Each garment exists in between different versions of ourselves, letting us basque in its fabrics and experimental techniques; upcycled, patchworked, knitted latex. How lucky we were to have each other and these four (mouldy) walls to nurture these sprouting bones.

garment design, photography & video by avrgbbs, 2020 - 2021



stop & smell the flowers


butch princess


garden of latex


growing & recoiling


collection of garments made during the pandemic. we approached each garment as an individual piece: an experiment with techniques, textiles and slowness.